Net Zero/Passive House
Building to either the Net Zero or Passive House Standard helps you achieve a superbly well-insulated home with a tightly sealed building envelope. This is not only good for the environment but provides you with a lifetime of energy savings.
- Net Zero (NZE or NZEr) homes & buildings use up to 80% less energy than ones built to the Ontario Building Code minimum requirements.
- Passive House (Passivhaus) homes & buildings use up to 90% less energy than ones built to the Ontario Building Code minimum requirements.
Who we are …
The RGS Team are “Subject Matter Experts” in High Performance Building Products & Systems for Residential, Multi Unit Residential & Commercial structures.

What we do …
Provide our customers with the materials and expertise to design and build Better Buildings. Buildings that are sustainably built with products that are recyclable, sourced locally and contribute significantly to reduced energy costs and the lowering of our Carbon Footprint.
How we do it …
We are your “Net Zero” ally, committed to using our technical expertise to investigate the products we offer so that you don’t have to:
• Embodied Carbon Content
• Environmental Product Declaration
• Global Warming Potential
• Life Cycle Assessments
Our Goal …
To provide high performance products with the in-house expertise to ensure that you always have the right material for the right application, foundation to roofline, cradle to grave. Products designed to reduce the environmental/carbon footprint to ensure a sustainable future.
To educate and communicate the environmental performance and impact of these materials over their lifetime we will work with our vendors to ensure the products we represent meet these criteria, with the building science to back it up.

Our Partners (Team RGS) …
- Architects
- Building Science Experts
- Certified Passive House Designers
- Certified Net Zero Builders/Designers
- Engineers
- Manufacturers of High Performance Materials
- Structure Owners & Consumers
We are “Members in Good Standing” of …